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BJJ Sweep - They Key to a Powerful Overhook Sweep - Coach Zahabi
Butterfly Guard Hook Sweep (6 point Sweep) part 1/2 - Firas Zahabi
Overhook Sweep | Butterfly Guard
Closed guard over hook sweep
Overhook sweep from butterfly guard
Drill feedback - Overhook butterfly system
BJJ technique - Failed Butterfly Sweep to Kani Basami (flying Scissor) - Coach Zahabi
Flower Sweep from Overhook Guard
Overhook Sweep 🪝💨💨 #Shorts
Attacking from the Overhook Butterfly Guard | BJJ Techniques
JJM3.0 Advanced Online Training : Two Butterfly Guard Attacks With Over Hook Control
Half Butterfly Sweep from the Overhook - Nathan Kay